Salary record for Sharon R Holte | |||||
Year | Agency Department Location |
Title Bargaining Unit |
Regular Wages |
Overtime Wages |
Total Wages |
2016 Full Record |
MN St Colleges & Universities MnSCU Lk Sup Duluth UTCE MnSCU Lake Superior Duluth |
Tech College Faculty MN State College Faculty |
$ 4,512.48 | $ 0.00 | $ 4,512.48 |
2016 Full Record |
MN St Colleges & Universities MnSCU Lk Sup Duluth Hr Faculty MnSCU Lake Superior Duluth |
Tech College Faculty Insufficient Work Time |
$ 4,512.48 | $ 0.00 | $ 4,512.48 |
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person | |||||
Meta Data Information |
Random Departments from Minnesota State Salaries |
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Location Name | Zip Code |
DHS MHSATS Reg Clinical Mgrs | 0 |
Wabasha | 0 |
NG Trng & Comm Ctr-Jackson | 0 |
Spring Lake Park | 0 |
Revenue Building 4th Floor | 0 |
Forestville-Mystery Cave SP VC | 0 |
NG Trng & Comm Ctr-Hutchinson | 0 |
0158 JS/UI N Mpls Broadway | 0 |
Northome | 0 |
P&S/Claims-Mpls VA Med Ctr | 0 |