Salary record for Debra D Schumacher
Year Agency

Bargaining Unit
Full Record
Human Services Dept
Legal Mgt Admin Law Staff
DHS CO Andersen
State Prog Admin Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 87,444.01 $ 0.00 $ 87,444.01
Full Record
Human Services Dept
Legal Mgt Admin Law Staff
DHS CO Andersen
State Prog Admin Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 89,609.61 $ 0.00 $ 89,609.61
Full Record
Human Services Dept
Legal Mgt Admin Law Staff
DHS CO Andersen
State Prog Admin Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 91,409.78 $ 0.00 $ 91,409.78
Full Record
Human Services Dept
Legal Mgt Admin Law Staff
DHS CO Andersen
State Prog Admin Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 93,455.45 $ 0.00 $ 93,455.45
Full Record
Human Services Dept
Legal Mgt Admin Law Staff
DHS CO Andersen
State Prog Admin Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 95,554.17 $ 0.00 $ 95,554.17
Full Record
Human Services Dept
Legal Mgt Admin Law Staff
DHS CO Andersen
State Prog Admin Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 95,554.17 $ 0.00 $ 95,554.17
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person
Meta Data Information

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