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Number of people at the location of Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office : 128
Maximum Salary:$ 133,936.73
Average Salary:$ 56,184.32
Minimum Salary:$ 560.43

Minnesota State Salaries for 2017Page 2 of 5
Name Location Name

Zip Code
Bargaining Unit
Sampson, Barry A Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Sr WL Research
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 70,159.63 $ 0.00 $ 70,190.83
Dick, Theodore E Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Prog Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 68,968.13 $ 0.00 $ 69,636.53
Spoden, Mark A Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Sr WL
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 69,429.14 $ 0.00 $ 69,429.14
Tillma, Jeff S Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Sr Fisheries
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 68,114.19 $ 0.00 $ 68,114.19
Tillma, Jeff S Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Fisheries
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 68,114.19 $ 0.00 $ 68,114.19
Kaiser, Jonathan B Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

State Prog Admin Director
Middle Management Association
$ 67,576.33 $ 0.00 $ 67,576.33
Bergstrand, Kevin S Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Forestry Program Coord
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 67,266.56 $ 0.00 $ 67,266.56
Neuman, Patricia Kay Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

Accounting Officer Senior
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 66,983.36 $ 0.00 $ 66,983.36
Kiger, Kraig A Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

State Prog Admin Sr
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 66,983.36 $ 0.00 $ 66,983.36
Albert, Gerald E Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Sr Fisheries
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 65,220.26 $ 0.00 $ 66,463.46
Rezanka, Richard L Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Sr Eco Svcs
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 66,055.20 $ 0.00 $ 66,055.20
Weitzel, David L Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Area Supv Fisheries
Middle Management Association
$ 65,478.40 $ 0.00 $ 65,478.40
Lattimore, Thomas Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

State Prog Admin Coordinator
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 62,137.92 $ 2,176.47 $ 64,314.39
Jungwirth, Amber M Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Forestry Specialist Int
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 58,822.72 $ 2,196.79 $ 63,628.09
Zeppelin, Cheri Mae Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

Information Officer 3
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 63,625.92 $ 0.00 $ 63,625.92
Coy, Pamela L Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Int WL Research
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 62,329.92 $ 0.00 $ 63,529.92
Hines, Jeffrey A Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Int WL
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 62,324.81 $ 600.00 $ 62,924.81
Humpal, Carolin A Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Int WL Research
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 61,211.31 $ 0.00 $ 62,626.31
Ward, Matthew Christopher Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Int Fisheries
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 62,330.30 $ 0.00 $ 62,330.30
Donatell, Joshua M Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Forestry Specialist Senior
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 56,709.56 $ 3,839.26 $ 61,979.67
Spicer, Clarissa A Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Forestry Asst Supv
Middle Management Association
$ 57,689.28 $ 2,566.80 $ 61,924.28
Sagedahl, Douglas Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

Heavy Equip Mechanic
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 57,654.73 $ 3,517.32 $ 61,172.05
Thompson, Harlow W Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Tech
$ 47,973.44 $ 11,231.32 $ 60,281.33
Brown, Andrew J Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Sr Trails & Waterways
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 59,112.32 $ 891.75 $ 60,004.07
Baysal, Cassandra J Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Forestry Regional Spec
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 59,886.48 $ 0.00 $ 59,886.48
Risberg, Michael Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

Heavy Equip Mechanic
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 57,894.40 $ 577.85 $ 58,760.85
Crozier, Gaea E Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Int Eco Svcs
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 58,680.51 $ 0.00 $ 58,680.51
Shartell, Lindsey Marie Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

Research Scientist 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 58,133.12 $ 0.00 $ 58,356.96
Koski, Kris D Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Fisheries
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 58,133.12 $ 0.00 $ 58,133.12
Hass, Doyle W Grand Rapids R2 HQ Main Office

NR Spec Fisheries
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 58,133.12 $ 0.00 $ 58,133.12

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NR Forestry Section Mgr
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