Salary record for Steven J Swan for 0 |
Swan, Steven J |
Agency: | P01 | Military Affairs Dept |
Department: | P01FM02 | FMO Maintenance Staff |
Branch: | Code E | Executive |
Job: | Code 1357 | General Repair Worker |
Location: | Number: P0102 Zip Code: 563450348 |
Facilities Maintenance Office |
Reg/Temp: | Code: U | Unlimited |
Classifciation: | Code: C | |
Orginal Hire Date: 2/22/2012 0:00 | Last Hire Date: 6/19/2013 0:00 |
Job Entry Date: 4/9/2014 0:00 |
Full/Part Time: | Code: F | Full-Time |
SalaryPlan Grid: 2 | Grade Range: 87 |
Max Salary Step: 6 |
Compensetion Rate: 25 | Comp Freq. Code: |
Comp Freq Desc: Hourly |
Position FTE: 1 | Active on June 30 0: Maintenance |
Bargaining Unit: | Number: 202 |
Craft |
Regular Wages | Overtime Wages | Total Wages |
$ 51,942.80 |
$ 0.00 |
$ 52,538.28 |
There is more that one name listed for the same year. It may or may not be the same person |
>Meta Data Information |