Salary record for Daniel R Prijatel for 2018
Prijatel, Daniel R
Agency: E26 MN St Colleges & Universities
Department:E26T572 MnSCU Laurentn Eveleth TC Fac
Branch:Code E Executive
Job:Code 7845 Tech College Faculty
Location:Number: E2616
Zip Code: 55734
MnSCU Mesabi Range CTC Eveleth
Reg/Temp:Code: ALimited Academic
Classifciation:Code: U
Orginal Hire Date: 8/25/2014 0:00Last Hire Date: 42018 Job Entry Date: 8/25/2014 0:00
Full/Part Time:Code: PPart-Time
SalaryPlan Grid: MSCGrade Range: 1 Max Salary Step: 2
Compensetion Rate: 0Comp Freq. Code: Comp Freq Desc: Biweekly
Position FTE: 0.01 Active on June 30 2018: YES
Bargaining Unit: Number: 210 MN State College Faculty
Regular WagesOvertime WagesTotal Wages
$ 63,301.00 $ 0.00 $ 63,301.00
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