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Number of people in the Department of UI CSC St Paul : 138
Maximum Salary:$ 81,602.09
Average Salary:$ 48,427.75
Minimum Salary:$ 1,259.55

Minnesota State Salaries for 2017Page 1 of 5
Name Agency

Bargaining Unit
West, Michelle M Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Emp & Econ Devel Spec Prog Mgr
$ 81,602.09 $ 0.00 $ 81,602.09
Rickey, Jim Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 42,891.63 $ 518.70 $ 80,054.63
Troff, Marlene A Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 76,769.30 $ 2,871.39 $ 79,640.69
Hammer, Kelly L Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 76,977.60 $ 2,130.38 $ 79,107.98
Greig, Constance A Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 76,977.67 $ 926.25 $ 77,903.92
Benson, Bruce K Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 3
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 71,908.23 $ 2,863.99 $ 74,772.22
Pettet II, Thomas L Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 3
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 71,908.16 $ 2,777.46 $ 74,685.62
Buersken, Karla Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 71,637.80 $ 2,091.64 $ 73,729.44
Southward, Dennis W Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 3
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 71,908.24 $ 0.00 $ 71,908.24
Moua, Mai Chor Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 71,067.06 $ 132.99 $ 71,200.05
Corey, Linda M Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 67,293.16 $ 961.18 $ 68,254.34
Hanson, Carol J Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 66,983.36 $ 862.42 $ 67,845.78
McGinnis, Darla Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 66,983.36 $ 0.00 $ 66,983.36
Stowe, Amber R Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 64,704.08 $ 0.00 $ 64,704.08
Beck, Beth L Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 62,091.85 $ 1,665.00 $ 63,756.85
Bailey, Beth LuAnn Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul X
Unemployment Ins Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 61,520.00 $ 1,217.70 $ 62,737.70
Stephanson, Deborah A Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 1
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 60,251.84 $ 1,794.39 $ 62,046.23
Aus, Lori S Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Oper Analyst
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 45,279.85 $ 809.71 $ 61,614.21
Meyer, Deborah A Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 1
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 60,251.84 $ 70.73 $ 60,322.57
Bradley, Lynda M Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 1
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 60,251.85 $ 0.00 $ 60,251.85
Wood, Valerie T Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 59,275.59 $ 130.50 $ 59,406.09
Lee, Amy S Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 1
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 57,422.30 $ 1,921.78 $ 59,344.08
Warner, Daniel K Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Oper Analyst
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 56,075.88 $ 2,661.63 $ 58,737.51
Benavides, Wilfrido Daniel Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 58,704.35 $ 0.00 $ 58,704.35
Hanssen, Susan Ann Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Oper Analyst
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 56,075.91 $ 728.73 $ 56,804.64
Grefe, David D Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Oper Analyst
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 56,075.88 $ 607.29 $ 56,683.17
Weerts, Matthew Dennis Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Prog Spec 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 55,408.16 $ 1,150.47 $ 56,558.63
Duff, Mariam Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Oper Analyst
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 56,075.91 $ 475.71 $ 56,551.62
Rush, Linda L Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Oper Analyst
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 56,075.87 $ 141.70 $ 56,217.57
Martens, Margaret Employ & Econ Development Dept

UI CSC St Paul
Unemployment Ins Oper Analyst
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 56,075.92 $ 60.73 $ 56,136.65

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