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Number of people in the Department of Greater MN HSTS : 18
Maximum Salary:$ 87,156.77
Average Salary:$ 75,870.64
Minimum Salary:$ 60,932.31

Minnesota State Salaries for 2020Page 1 of 1
Name Agency

Bargaining Unit
Michalicek, Arnold Lee Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Traffic Mgmt Sys Integrator Sp
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 61,176.65 $ 577.00 $ 87,156.77
Michalicek, Arnold Lee Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Traffic Mgmt Sys Integrator Sp
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 61,176.65 $ 577.00 $ 87,156.77
Posch, Michael J Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 76,293.36 $ 8,155.08 $ 85,917.24
Posch, Michael J Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 76,293.36 $ 8,155.08 $ 85,917.24
Mast, Jeffrey R Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.89 $ 9,710.33 $ 82,359.22
Mast, Jeffrey R Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.89 $ 9,710.33 $ 82,359.22
Emineth, Robert V Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.88 $ 11,574.96 $ 80,887.84
Emineth, Robert V Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.88 $ 11,574.96 $ 80,887.84
Nemeth, Adam Sigmund Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.88 $ 6,805.55 $ 76,118.43
Nemeth, Adam Sigmund Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.88 $ 6,805.55 $ 76,118.43
Braaten, Gary A Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,112.72 $ 5,839.67 $ 74,952.39
Braaten, Gary A Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,112.72 $ 5,839.67 $ 74,952.39
Reinardy, Brett F Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.88 $ 0.00 $ 69,312.88
Reinardy, Brett F Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Electrician Lead
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 69,312.88 $ 0.00 $ 69,312.88
Ramsdell Jr, Michael William Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Highway Signal Technician
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 65,198.70 $ 0.00 $ 65,198.70
Ramsdell Jr, Michael William Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Highway Signal Technician
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 65,198.70 $ 0.00 $ 65,198.70
Braun, David John Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Highway Signal Technician
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 59,642.81 $ 1,289.50 $ 60,932.31
Braun, David John Transportation Dept

Greater MN HSTS
Highway Signal Technician
Craft Maintenance Labor
$ 59,642.81 $ 1,289.50 $ 60,932.31

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