Bargaining Unit
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List of Bargaining Units

Number of people in the Bargaining Unit of Middle Management Association : 3353
Maximum Salary:$ 242,077.30
Average Salary:$ 75,095.74
Minimum Salary:$ 27.44

Minnesota State Salaries for 2016Page 39 of 112
Name Agency

Bargaining Unit
Helgeson, Robert C Office of Higher Education

Financial Services
Auditor Principal Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.63 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.63
Stroschein, Lisamarie Transportation Dept

Auditor Principal Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.61 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.61
Christensen, Angela L MN St Colleges & Universities

MnSCU Minneapolis CC
MnSCU Academic Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.61 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.61
Mathes, Frances M Human Services Dept

CPM Economic Opportunity
Economic Oppty Program Supv 1
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.61 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.61
Rydeen, David G Veterans Affairs Dept

MVH-Hastings Department Heads
Physical Plant Director
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.61 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.61
Moran, Michael Mark Transportation Dept

Land Management
Real Estate Specialist Supv
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.60
Slimmer, Dale D Military Affairs Dept

FMO Physcial Plant Director
Physical Plant Director
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.60
Koenig, Lyle L Human Services Dept

FOD Budgets
Accounting Director
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.60
Mascari, John C Transportation Dept

Right of Way
Real Estate Specialist Supv
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.60
Sheppard, Matthew J MN St Colleges & Universities

MnSCU NW Moorhead TC Class
Physical Plant Director
Middle Management Association
$ 82,997.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.60
Wood, Gerald Edward MNsure

MNsure Finance & Management
State Prog Admin Director
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.60
Pitzen, Werner Ives Transportation Dept

Land Management
Real Estate Specialist Supv
Middle Management Association
$ 83,641.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,641.60
Dimler, Debra Human Services Dept

MSOCS Supv Residential South
Community Residential Supv
Middle Management Association
$ 75,121.60 $ 7,536.88 $ 83,640.03
Karnes, Kelly K Human Services Dept

Administration Support
Physical Plant Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 73,692.88 $ 0.00 $ 83,592.88
Marty, Dennis J Transportation Dept

Willmar Maintenance Area
Transp Operations Supv 2
Middle Management Association
$ 75,121.65 $ 2,620.89 $ 83,507.15
Prozinski, Carol A Military Affairs Dept

FMO Buyers Supervisor
Contract Officer
Middle Management Association
$ 82,899.22 $ 597.77 $ 83,496.99
VanOverbeke, Scott A Human Services Dept

MSH Administration
Group Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 80,877.60 $ 155.68 $ 83,455.28
Pedersen, Steve Gambling Control Board

Management & Supervisors
Lawful Gambling Lic Supv
Middle Management Association
$ 80,877.60 $ 0.00 $ 83,434.40
Masson, Mylan M MN St Colleges & Universities

MnSCU Academic Supervisor 3
Middle Management Association
$ 83,398.28 $ 0.00 $ 83,398.28
Schmalz, Patrick J Natural Resources Dept

F&W Policy Research-Fisheries
NR Prog Supv Sr Fish Research
Middle Management Association
$ 82,437.64 $ 0.00 $ 83,374.95
Lillie, Bryan M Transportation Dept

Mapleton Subarea
Transp Operations Supv 2
Middle Management Association
$ 74,917.60 $ 6,579.30 $ 83,371.65
Chu, Trang Thuy Transportation Dept

Transportation System Mgmt
Planning Dir Transportation
Middle Management Association
$ 79,279.25 $ 2,482.92 $ 83,362.17
Anderson, Ryan M Pollution Control Agency

Pollution Cont Spec Prin
Middle Management Association
$ 81,728.82 $ 0.00 $ 83,328.82
Constant, Patricia A Health Department

Newborn Screening Comm Edu
Health Program Rep Principal
Middle Management Association
$ 83,324.88 $ 0.00 $ 83,324.88
Spiegel Rosman, Nancy J Corrections Dept

FRB Education Director 2
Institution Educational Supv
Middle Management Association
$ 83,324.80 $ 0.00 $ 83,324.80
Thorpe, Lori M Employ & Econ Development Dept

Rehabilitation Couns Supv 4
Middle Management Association
$ 83,324.80 $ 0.00 $ 83,324.80
Wilson, William E Health Department

PC & FA Supervisor
Planning Grants Administrator
Middle Management Association
$ 83,324.80 $ 0.00 $ 83,324.80
Sarabia, Maria Human Services Dept

HCA HCEA Eligibility Policy
State Prog Admin Director
Middle Management Association
$ 82,154.40 $ 161.00 $ 83,315.40
Thul, Richard M Public Safety Dept

DVS Administration Svcs
DVS Program Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 83,310.62 $ 0.00 $ 83,310.62
Johansen, Christine M Veterans Affairs Dept

MVH-Silver Bay Direct Care
Registered Nurse Supervisor
Middle Management Association
$ 81,728.80 $ 311.36 $ 83,294.36

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Research Scientist 2
Jud Staff Generalist II

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Moose Lake 0
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