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List of Agencies

Number of people in the Agency of Corrections Dept : 4696
Maximum Salary:$ 297,243.43
Average Salary:$ 56,598.84
Minimum Salary:$ 16.60

Minnesota State Salaries for 2019Page 130 of 157
Name Agency

Bargaining Unit
Sederberg, Sarah J Corrections Dept

LL Lieutenant-F
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 36,909.20 $ 881.76 $ 38,671.40
Reuvers, Kristine K Corrections Dept

FRB Accounting Manager's Staff
Account Clerk Senior
$ 38,589.62 $ 0.00 $ 38,589.62
Speicher, Brady A Corrections Dept

FRB Lieutenant - K4
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 37,090.03 $ 529.16 $ 38,580.87
Matzke, Hunter G Corrections Dept

RW Work Readiness/Relief
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 37,713.04 $ 545.87 $ 38,511.59
Hanson, Scott E Corrections Dept

LL Lieutenant-G
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 37,311.41 $ 120.83 $ 38,493.98
Mamer, Samantha C Corrections Dept

RW Lieutenant-WC-3rd
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 36,890.29 $ 871.03 $ 38,414.40
Rashid, Tyler J. Corrections Dept

RW Lieutenant-WC-2nd
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 37,927.83 $ 415.74 $ 38,343.57
Johnson, Cynthia L Corrections Dept

Togo Clinical Supervisor
Clinical Program Therapist 2
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 38,284.01 $ 0.00 $ 38,284.01
Kuechle, Anthony A Corrections Dept

SHK Lieutenant-WC 1st Watch-A
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,938.40 $ 3,301.50 $ 38,220.70
Alpaugh, Zachary S Corrections Dept

RW Lieut-Unit Supv-Harvard
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 36,906.40 $ 120.83 $ 38,119.23
Dalzell, Tanner A Corrections Dept

OPH Lieutenant-WC 1st Watch-B
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 36,864.08 $ 241.20 $ 38,065.82
High Jr, Newton A Corrections Dept

RW Lieut-Unit Supv-Stanford
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 37,049.19 $ 0.00 $ 38,038.73
Fasching, Carrie A Corrections Dept

DOC Field Sv Supv-Litchfield
Office & Admin Specialist Int
$ 37,924.83 $ 0.00 $ 37,924.83
Bornetun, Thomas L Corrections Dept

OPH Lieutenant-WC 1st Watch-A
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,938.40 $ 2,786.13 $ 37,885.85
Brady, Nicole M Corrections Dept

STW RN Admin Supervisors Staff
Office & Admin Specialist Int
$ 37,694.40 $ 81.23 $ 37,775.63
Oswald, Zachary S Corrections Dept

OPH Lieutenant-WC 3rd Watch-B
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,930.35 $ 2,705.15 $ 37,747.42
Wright, Jaclyn M Corrections Dept

Togo Lieutenant 1
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 36,743.80 $ 250.88 $ 37,716.55
Walsh, Sean M Corrections Dept

OPH Lieuten-WC 3rd Watch/Rec A
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,938.40 $ 2,685.89 $ 37,713.21
Quimby, Lisa K. Corrections Dept

FRB Due Process Unit Supv
Office & Admin Specialist Sr
$ 33,741.13 $ 0.00 $ 37,711.83
Mannie, Jennifer L Corrections Dept

FRB CPD-Mental Health
Clinical Program Therapist 3
MN Assoc of Professional Empl
$ 37,659.54 $ 0.00 $ 37,659.54
Rohlf, Alan C Corrections Dept

RC Unit Lieutenant 2
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 37,100.34 $ 0.00 $ 37,645.18
Lambert, Miranda L Corrections Dept

FRB RN Admin Supervisors Staff
Office & Admin Specialist Sr
$ 37,531.21 $ 67.02 $ 37,598.23
Blackwood, Jamie L Corrections Dept

ML Security Lieutenant 3
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,938.40 $ 2,737.29 $ 37,593.05
Hage, Gloria P Corrections Dept

DOC Training Manager
Office & Admin Specialist Int
$ 37,579.20 $ 0.00 $ 37,579.20
Schenz, Jesse R Corrections Dept

ML Program Coordinator
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,643.95 $ 2,956.76 $ 37,572.55
Cleveland, Kendra V Corrections Dept

STW Lieutenant 3rd Watch - A
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 33,985.10 $ 2,683.19 $ 37,512.21
Koep, Candice L Corrections Dept

RC Unit Lieutenant 2
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 36,479.60 $ 331.06 $ 37,504.65
Benzick, Alesha M Corrections Dept

FRB Lieutenant - Unit E
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,938.40 $ 2,509.97 $ 37,478.59
Hess, Vicktoria M Corrections Dept

RC Security Lieutenant 1
Corr Officer 1
Corrections Officers
$ 33,869.84 $ 2,614.93 $ 37,473.86
Klovstad, Ethan M Corrections Dept

Togo Lieutenant 1
Corr Officer 2
Corrections Officers
$ 36,005.77 $ 532.67 $ 37,445.37

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Random Locations from Minnesota State Salaries
Location NameZip Code
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Mahnomen 0
0082 UI Field Audit Fergus Fls 0
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MNIT DOC Red Wing 0
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WinonaMN 0
GALBD-Jud Dist 6 Carlton 0